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This is a full card game with decently complex rules, somewhere in tone and balance between Munchkin and Once Upon A Time.

Its art is absolutely polished and gorgeous. Its gameplay is balanced as much by overwrought love poetry as it is by dice luck and card use. And overall it has a very consistent tone that looks fondly on Don Quixote---possibly more so than Don Quixote does.

For $5, this is a steal.

I strongly recommend anyone who likes casual competitive card games to check this out.


Thank you for the kind words and review!


Have version in spanish? :D


Hey there! Unfortunately not yet - we're currently looking for Spanish-speaking game designers to help us translate it.


ok, thanks ;D


Omg, its good to hear about it!


Hi! This looks lovely. Not a professional translator, but I'm a Spanish game designer. Ping me at " hi.ludipe [at] "if you want to talk about this.

Hey there! Great to e-meet you! Sorry for the long response time, it's been a busy few weeks on this end. I would love to chat more about this. I'll send you an e-mail too.

Hey! I would also like to volunteer to translate the game! I'm spanish native and have some experience on game design.

what paper size for printing? a3 or a4

It's formatted for 8.5" x 11" letter paper, so I would use A3 to be safe as A4 might require you to chop off a bit of the image.


Hey. I just found in the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality. I'm from Spain so I was surprised to find "La mancha" the game card. The art looks pretty cool. And the concept is very interesting.

Thank you - enjoy!